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Why Medical Weight Loss Might Be Your Answer

Why Medical Weight Loss Might Be Your Answer

Losing weight has become a major preoccupation in the United States, and for good reason. According to a recent study, the obesity rate for American adults rose to 42.4%. To make matters worse, 42% of Americans packed on an average of 29 pounds since the start of the pandemic.

Statistically, there are more Americans on special diets than a decade ago, yet the obesity rate continues to climb, as do diet-related medical conditions, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. You’d think that with all the focus on losing weight and getting healthier, you’d see the general population becoming healthier as a whole.

Unfortunately, that’s not the case. So what’s going on? The problem is many popular diet plans emphasize short-term solutions and one-size-fits-all approaches. Because of this, they often don’t work.

But there’s good news! A medical weight loss program could get you to the weight you desire. Medical weight loss programs take into account your specific health profile and challenges, giving you an advantage in your fight to lose weight. In this blog, the expert medical professionals at Generations Family Practice, in Cary, North Carolina, explain what medical weight loss is and how it may be able to help you.

Mass-market diets vs. medical weight loss

Remarkably, the U.S. weight loss market is an estimated $71 billion industry. At any given time, there are numerous trendy diets you can follow on your own, a wide selection of weight management programs with meals that can be sent to your home, and a variety of popular exercise programs, many of which include recommended diets.

But what makes medical weight loss programs different is that they’re patient-focused and physician-directed. Medical weight loss programs start from the premise that cookie-cutter approaches typically aren’t effective, because they don’t take into consideration your unique issues and circumstances from a medical perspective.

While a patient’s nutritional and exercise habits are accounted for as with other weight loss programs, medical weight loss programs tap into important data unique to the patient, such as metabolism. 

The parts of a medical weight loss program

Every patient is unique, so your program may not necessarily be the same as someone else's. However, we can give you a general idea of steps we take with a lot of patients:

Getting to know you

First we have a weight loss consultation, during which we ask you about your eating habits and activity level, so we can learn how well your body metabolizes fuel (food).

We also record your weight as well as your body mass index (BMI). Your BMI shows how much body fat you have in relation to your height and weight. Using this data, we develop a personalized weight loss program for you. 

Getting help to burn fat

Sometimes losing weight requires a little extra help. If that’s the case with you, we can prescribe special medications to help you burn fat more quickly. 

Getting help with special diets

Here at Generations Family Practice, our own Alex Tse, MD, directs the Healthy Longevity Program, which not only transforms the lives of obese patients, but also those suffering from chronic inflammatory conditions, such as diabetes. Through the program, Dr. Tse places patients on a medically prescribed low-carb diet and monitors them.

In the case of patients with diabetes, Dr. Tse specializes in diabetes reversal and longevity through the ketogenic diet. The overarching goal of this diet is to reduce inflammation, which, in turn, can help reduce or eliminate the need for insulin and other medications.

Getting professional support

Besides providing a program that’s dialed in just for you, a major advantage of a medical weight loss program is you don’t have to go it alone. Throughout the course of your program, we’re always here for you.

Whether you’re doing great or struggling, we’re here to provide personalized advice to keep you going in the right direction or help you get back on track. We’re your partner, coach, and cheerleader on your journey to a healthy weight and a healthy new you.

If you’re stuck in a cycle of losing and gaining weight and want to see if medical weight loss can help you, call 919-752-3714 or book an appointment online with Generations Family Practice today.

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