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Do Diets Actually Work?

Do Diets Actually Work?

We’ve all been there. We jump on the diet bandwagon in January to try to lose those extra pounds. Then, in a few months, we see a little success — only to gain it all back a short time later!

If this scenario sounds all too familiar, you’re not alone. According to research, about 80% of people who lose a significant amount of weight end up gaining it back.

To say that the diet roller coaster is frustrating is an understatement. But, is there a solution? Yes! Medical weight loss has helped many people lose weight and keep it off.

In this blog, the weight loss experts at Generations Family Practice in Cary and Raleigh, North Carolina, explain why traditional diets often fail and how medical weight loss can help.

The inconvenient truth about dieting

From fad diets to old standards, the American marketplace is filled with information on how to lose weight. With all of these resources, you’d think Americans would have mastered the ability to lose weight long ago.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. In fact, more than two-thirds of American adults are overweight or obese. Why? The inconvenient truth is that losing weight isn’t a simple math equation. In fact, there’s more to losing weight than eating less and exercising more.

Everyone’s makeup and metabolism are different, and mass-market diets often fail to take these things into account. Because of this, cookie-cutter weight loss programs often aren’t successful in the long-run.

Why medical weight loss works

Here at Generations Family Practice, we help patients lose weight and keep it off through medical weight loss. Medical weight loss is a patient-focused, physician-directed approach that takes into account the things that make you unique, such as your body chemistry, metabolism, mental health, and lifestyle. We work with you in a number of ways to put together your medical weight loss plan. For example, we do the following:

Perform diagnostic testing

Our medical team begins the process with a weight loss consultation, which includes diagnostic tests. For example, we record your weight and as well as your body mass index (BMI), which measures body fat in the context of height and weight.

We also ask questions to learn more about your activity level and eating habits. We then use this data to create a personalized weight loss program. We can also prescribe special medications to help you burn fat more quickly, if needed.

Uncover barriers to weight loss

We also examine your medical history and look through your testing results to see if any medical conditions could be affecting your ability to lose weight. Certain issues, such as thyroid conditions, hormonal imbalances, and diabetes, can not only affect your ability to lose weight, but they can contribute to continued weight gain.

Provide support and guidance

Another benefit of medical weight loss is we support you every step of the way. We not only celebrate your successes, but we also provide guidance when you hit bumps in the road.

We understand that making lifestyle changes can be difficult. However, with our expertise and care, we can help you reach your weight loss goals and maintain them.

If you’re overweight and want to learn if medical weight loss can help you, book an appointment online or over the phone with Generations Family Practice today.

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