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Blog Archive

3 Benefits of Laser Treatment for Acne Scars Jul 26th, 2024

Every day when you look into a mirror, all you can see are your acne scars. So much for that awesome new hairstyle you just got and that great trendy outfit you bought at the local boutique. Some days you wonder if it’s just you or if everyone zeroes in...

 Am I Eligible for Laser Vein Treatment? Jul 8th, 2024

Strawberry marks, salmon patches, café au lait spots, and port-wine stains are some endearing nicknames for birthmarks. Although birthmarks are common — about 10% of the general population is born with one — if you are among the adults whose birthmark didn’t fade over time, you are all too aware...

Does Hair Restoration Really Work? Jun 20th, 2024

If you’re like most people, the day will come when you start comparing the amount of hair in your shower drain to the hair on your scalp. Don’t panic, says laser treatment specialist Laurie Glodowski at Generations Family Practice Wellness Center in Cary, North Carolina. We lose about 70 to...

Why You Shouldn't Leave Your High Blood Pressure Untreated Jun 20th, 2024

During your lifetime, chances are you’ll have your blood pressure taken thousands of times. While blood pressure screenings have been a long-standing part of a medical checkup, today even health care professionals like dentists and physical therapists do blood pressure checks. You can even monitor your blood pressure at home...

When Should My Older Teen Daughter Begin Pelvic Exams and Pap Smears? May 28th, 2024

Parenthood has a tendency to bring “adulting” to a whole other level. Not only do you still have your work, school, or home responsibilities to handle, but also suddenly a tiny human depends completely on you as the do-all and know-all. Babies don’t come with manuals, but there are plenty...

Is Apnea Wrecking Your Sleep? May 16th, 2024

It’s not unusual to have a sleepless night from time to time. Everything from hectic work deadlines to teething babies keeps even the best sleepers from getting their fair share of restorative sleep. But if every so often is turning into every day for a week or longer, it may...

Why Can't I Quit Smoking? Apr 16th, 2024

One of the most difficult bad habits to break is smoking. Each year about 30-50% of American smokers try to quit smoking with a mere 7.5% success rate. If you count yourself among the 34 million American adults who smoke and want to quit, these sobering statistics may leave you...

I Think I Have an STD: What Now? Apr 15th, 2024

Regardless of your age, finding out that you may have been exposed to a sexually transmitted disease (STD) can be overwhelming and embarrassing. Knowing where to turn and what to do may seem daunting. First, take a deep breath and understand that you are not alone, say the providers at...

The Importance of Having an Annual Exam Mar 5th, 2024

For many of us, taking care of ourselves means eating healthily, getting enough exercise, trying to get adequate sleep, and going to the doctor when we’re sick. While we may be tempted to skip the doctor’s visit and tough it out through a cold or minor issue, we know going...

 Why Do I Have UTIs So Frequently? Mar 2nd, 2024

When it comes to getting sick, there’s never a good time. You just deal with it. But when you suffer from bouts of the same illness over and over again, it’s particularly frustrating and annoying. If you are among the nearly 10 million patients who visit a health care facility...

The Dangers of High Blood Pressure Feb 2nd, 2024

During your lifetime, your blood pressure will be taken many times. Nearly every health care provider from your primary care doctor to your dentist typically starts off an appointment with a blood pressure check. You can often find blood pressure kiosks in your local shopping mall, drug store, and even...

My Child Is Afraid of the Doctor: What Can I Do? Feb 1st, 2024

Going to the doctor can be an anxiety-producing event regardless of your age, but children can be especially fearful. Remarkably, one in three Americans completely avoid going to their doctor even when they know they need medical care. While not going to the doctor is an option that adults can...

I'm Ready to Lose Weight This Year: Can You Help? Jan 10th, 2024

Year after year well-meaning Americans make New Year’s resolutions to transform themselves into healthier, happier people. Not surprisingly, losing weight typically ranks within the top five resolutions. This year is no different.  Remarkably, at any given time more than 160 million Americans are dieting, spending more than $70 billion annually...

Why You Should Start Your Year with a Preventive Medicine Appointment Jan 2nd, 2024

It’s inevitable; December turns to January and the new year, and we all become preoccupied on what we can do better. After all, that is the premise behind New Year’s resolutions. Year after year, few of us keep to those promises much past March at the latest. You think, maybe...

What Does Transitional Care Management Involve? Dec 14th, 2023

If you or a loved one has ever experienced a life-altering event like a heart attack or stroke, or major surgery that required a hospital or other type of inpatient care stay, you know that the prospect of finally returning home is both a huge relief and a source of...

Helping Your Teen Navigate Depression Dec 11th, 2023

The teen years are notoriously challenging. If you are a parent or guardian working through the seemingly endless drama — and the emotional highs and lows — you know that it’s difficult at best. It’s natural to feel unprepared to navigate the murky waters of teen years. That pleasant child...

When to Seek Help for Pelvic Pain Nov 16th, 2023

Pelvic pain can be a symptom of many conditions for men and women, from constipation to diverticulitis to appendicitis. Furthermore, pelvic pain can be a symptom of conditions that affect the female reproductive system.In this blog, the providers at Generations Family Practice in Cary, North Carolina, discuss some of the...

Why Does My Child Keep Getting Sick? Nov 3rd, 2023

Parents are all too aware that germs and children are a seemingly inseparable duo, especially for children who go to daycare or school. But, if your child gets the third or fourth cold or ear infection of the school year and it’s only November, it may leave you wondering if...

4 Chronic Pain Conditions That Joint Injections Can Help Treat Oct 2nd, 2023

Chronic pain is common in the United States. In fact, more than 51 million Americans suffer from it. And, about 17 million of these chronic pain sufferers have high-impact chronic pain, which is pain that limits life or work activities nearly every day. Remarkably, this high incidence of chronic pain...

How Is Osteopathic Manipulation Different from a Massage? Oct 1st, 2023

Millions of Americans deal with pain and illness every day. Regardless of the origin of their medical issues, they all share the same desire — to get relief so they can live a full and productive life.If you can relate, and you’re looking for a holistic medical approach, osteopathic manipulation could be...

How to Help Your Child Manage Diabetes At School Sep 1st, 2023

If you or someone you know has diabetes, you probably understand that the condition can be challenging to live with. Now imagine you’re a school-aged child. All of a sudden, a carefree childhood just got a lot more complicated. This is the plight of an estimated 283,000 American children and adolescents under age...

The Link Between Weight and Erectile Dysfunction Sep 1st, 2023

Whether you listen to the radio, watch television, read newspapers or magazines, or spend any time surfing the Internet, chances are you’ll be bombarded with ads that claim their product or service can treat erectile dysfunction (ED). The reason these ads are so abundant is because so many men suffer...

Diet Hacks That Might Make Quitting Smoking Easier Aug 2nd, 2023

In any given year, an estimated 30-50% of American smokers attempt to quit smoking. However, 7.5% actually succeed. If you count yourself among the legion of smokers who can’t seem to kick the habit, here’s some good news: Consuming certain foods and drinks may help you in the fight against tobacco. In this...

I Have an STD — Now What? Aug 2nd, 2023

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are common infections. In fact, each year about 374 million sexually transmitted infections occur around the world, including more than 25 million cases here in the United States. In this blog, the providers at Generations Family Practice in Cary and Raleigh, North Carolina, explain more about what STDs are, what their symptoms...

What’s Involved in My Child’s Sports Physical Jul 4th, 2023

An estimated 68.3 million Americans participate in team sports, with a healthy increase in participation among those ages 6-12. If you count yourself among the parents whose weekends are packed with youth practice and game schedules, you know all too well that there’s much more to it than practice and the actual...

How Much Sleep Is Too Much for My Teen? Jul 2nd, 2023

You probably know that restorative sleep is helpful for your mental and physical health. But, getting enough sleep and oversleeping are two different things. Do you think your teen may be sleeping too much? In this blog, the providers at Generations Family Practice in Cary and Raleigh, North Carolina, explain how the sleep cycle...

Signs Your Teen Is Struggling With Their Mental Health Jun 2nd, 2023

If you think back on your teenage years, it likely brings back memories of drama between friends, misguided anger, and confrontations with your parents. In many teens, moodiness is chalked up to biological and social changes that are part of the growing-up process. However, these aren’t the only causes for...

Yes, Your Baby Does Need a Pediatrician Jun 1st, 2023

Trying to care for your child’s health can sometimes seem confusing and overwhelming. Is a particular symptom something to be concerned about? Are they missing any immunizations? These and many other questions can consume a parent’s attention. Fortunately, a pediatrician can help. Here at Generations Family Practice, with locations in...

Lesser-Known Causes of Back Pain May 3rd, 2023

Back pain is very common. In fact, an estimated 80-90% of all Americans experience back pain at some time in their life. Furthermore, back pain is the single most common reason for primary care and emergency room visits. However, what a lot of people might not be aware of is that back pain can...

Do Diets Actually Work? May 1st, 2023

We’ve all been there. We jump on the diet bandwagon in January to try to lose those extra pounds. Then, in a few months, we see a little success — only to gain it all back a short time later! If this scenario sounds all too familiar, you’re not alone....

Tips for Getting Through a Sick Visit With Your Child Apr 1st, 2023

Being a mom or dad can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. It certainly comes with lots of ups and downs and an interesting mix of drama and scary moments. It would be so much easier if you were given a manual on how to raise...

What No One Told You About Erectile Dysfunction Apr 1st, 2023

Erectile dysfunction, or ED, which used to be referred to as impotence, was one of those health issues that was rarely discussed. Today, however, you’d be hard pressed to go a day without seeing advertisements about treating the condition. Erectile dysfunction affects tens of millions of American men in the...

How Do I Know If My Child Is Growing Well? Mar 9th, 2023

Raising children is one of the most rewarding experiences you’ll ever have. However, it can also be one of the most overwhelming and challenging experiences. Whether you’re a first-time parent or have a house full of children, questions about whether a child is growing and developing normally are natural. In...

Women’s Health Issues No One Talks About Mar 1st, 2023

When it comes to women’s health issues, some topics don’t get a lot of attention. For example, stroke and heart disease are often brought up in relation to men’s health, but the same attention isn’t always given to these issues when it comes to women’s health. However, these conditions are common...

The Best Exercises for Diabetes Feb 10th, 2023

If you’re among the more than 28 million Americans diagnosed with diabetes, you probably know that your body isn’t able to regulate blood sugar properly. Either your pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin (Type 1 diabetes) or your cells don’t respond to insulin as they should (Type 2 diabetes). In either case, the result...

How to Lose Weight the Healthy Way Feb 2nd, 2023

Losing weight and keeping it off are the seemingly elusive goals that keep the $71 billion U.S. weight loss industry profitable and growing. The rub is that despite the plethora of diet and fitness information, Americans don’t seem to be getting any thinner or healthier. In fact, the obesity rate...

Ask These Questions At Your Child's Next Checkup Jan 25th, 2023

Every parent wants their child to grow up healthy and strong. And when it comes to helping you do that, Generations Family Practice is in your corner. We provide a number of services that can help keep your child well, including child checkups. Checkups are a time for your child’s provider to...

Yes, You Should Get Annual Physicals Jan 19th, 2023

If you’re like most people, you have a really busy life. In the face of this, attending an annual physical — especially if you feel well — might not seem like a good use of your time. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth.   If you want to...

The Many Benefits of Exercise Dec 1st, 2022

Americans seem to have a love-hate relationship with exercising and being healthy. They spend an estimated $36.6 billion on gyms and fitness clubs, and they spend an additional $11.3 billion on home fitness equipment. With these numbers in mind, you’d think Americans would be fit and healthy. Well, not so much. That’s where the...

What to do About Recurrent UTIs Dec 1st, 2022

If there’s one thing that’s more annoying than being sick in the first place, it’s experiencing the same illness over and over again. If you suffer from recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs), you know all too well just how frustrating they can be. The good news is, if you suffer...

Conditions that Make Weight Loss More Difficult Nov 1st, 2022

Have you gone on a diet program with a friend only to find that your friend lost weight but you didn’t? You both followed the same nutritional program and even did your workouts together, so what gives? The fact is, everyone is unique, with different body chemistries, health profiles, and...

5 Valuable Benefits of Pediatric Care Nov 1st, 2022

Raising children is one of the most incredible journeys you can take. It can also be one of the most intimidating ones. The moment you look into your baby’s eyes, your heart just melts, and you realize this tiny human being is relying on you for literally everything. And as...

The Top 5 Women’s Health Issues Oct 1st, 2022

A woman’s biology enables her to take an incredible journey through life by virtue of the fact that women are literally built to bring new life into the world. But, the differences between women and men don’t stop there.  When it comes to health and wellness, women are more prone...

When Should You Consider Medical Weight Loss? Oct 1st, 2022

Losing weight is not only a major preoccupation in the United States, but it’s also big business. In fact, the U.S. weight loss market is an estimated $71 billion industry. You’d think with the plethora of diet programs and information being pushed, we’d be the fittest country in the world....

What Most People Don't Know About High Blood Pressure Sep 1st, 2022

One of the most common tests people undergo is a blood pressure check. In fact, blood pressure screenings are so popular that many drug stores and supermarkets have convenient kiosks that allow people to get a blood pressure reading.  Despite the fact that this test is so common, many people...

Lifestyle Tips For Managing Your Diabetes Sep 1st, 2022

Diabetes is a fairly common medical condition, affecting about one in 10 Americans, which is more than 37 million people. But even though it’s common, it’s a very serious condition. In fact, diabetes increases the risk of developing a multitude of complications, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke,...

Chronic Conditions We Can Help You Manage Aug 2nd, 2022

You may be surprised to hear that 60% of adults in the United States have a chronic disease, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease. Even more remarkably, 40% of American adults have two or more chronic conditions. If you count yourself among these Americans, you’re all too aware of how complicated...

A Closer Look at Transitional Care Management Aug 1st, 2022

If you have suffered an injury, undergone major surgery, or experienced a life-changing event, such as a stroke or heart attack, you know moving from a health-care setting to another setting can be challenging. And this change can be especially challenging if you're going from a health care setting to...

Why You Shouldn’t Skip Your Annual Physical Exam Jul 18th, 2022

It may seem obvious that if you get sick or suffer an injury that you should make an appointment with your doctor. But, if you feel good and are in reasonably good health, you may wonder if it’s really necessary to schedule an annual physical exam with your doctor. The answer is “Yes!” Think...

Recognizing the Earliest Warning Signs of Diabetes Jul 1st, 2022

Diabetes touches millions of lives. In fact, every 17 seconds, an American is diagnosed with diabetes. An estimated 34.2 million Americans have diabetes, and an additional 1.5 million new cases are diagnosed each year.  Unfortunately, there’s no cure for the disease. However, it can be managed, and those with the condition can live long and...

Why You Shouldn't Skip Your Annual Exam Jun 8th, 2022

Why should you see a doctor when you don’t feel sick? Many people only think about the doctor when they’ve been injured or aren’t feeling well, but an annual exam is important to your overall health and wellness.  Similar to your regular dental cleanings, an annual exam is the key...

When Do Anxiety and Depression Require Professional Help? Jun 1st, 2022

The human experience is an amazing journey filled with moments that allow us to feel the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. No matter your gender, race, ethnicity, or age, you’ll experience many events that will trigger many emotions, such as happiness, surprise, anger, frustration, anxiety, and sadness....

Cary Magazine's Readers' Choice Awards Honors the Best of Western Wake County May 2nd, 2022

Dr. Justin Glodowski, DO, our family medicine doctor and a doctor of osteopathic medicine here at Generations Family Practice (GFP) was voted the best doctor by Cary Magazine's annual Maggy Awards. Started in 2006, the Maggy Awards are Cary Magazine's most popular feature and generate thousands of votes each year. The Cary Medical Management...

Why Medical Weight Loss Might Be Your Answer May 1st, 2022

Losing weight has become a major preoccupation in the United States, and for good reason. According to a recent study, the obesity rate for American adults rose to 42.4%. To make matters worse, 42% of Americans packed on an average of 29 pounds since the start of the pandemic. Statistically, there are more Americans on...

What Can I Do To Manage My High Blood Pressure? Apr 1st, 2022

Blood pressure is a key metric that provides an important glimpse of what’s going on inside your body. If you have high blood pressure, this could lead to a number of dangerous outcomes, such as heart disease and stroke, which are two of the top five causes of death in the United...

Don't Let Diabetes Sneak Up on You: Learn These 6 Early Signs Mar 11th, 2022

Nearly 35 million Americans — more than 10% of the population — have diabetes, according to the American Diabetes Association. That’s pretty startling. But what’s even more alarming is this: More than 7 million people who have diabetes don’t even know it because they’ve never been diagnosed. Without proper treatment,...

The Importance of Creating Family Traditions Nov 5th, 2019

November is a wonderful time to celebrate your family and for creating family traditions. After all, Thanksgiving and other significant holidays bring food, family, and friends together. The air feels filled with a new spirit of happiness and celebration. Why Creating Family Traditions is Important Family traditions aren’t just about...

One Breath at a Time: Living with COPD Nov 5th, 2019

What if you struggled to climb a staircase? What if everyday tasks around the house left you feeling out of breath? Such is the life of those living with COPD. But there are ways to cope with this lung disease. What is COPD? Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, or COPD, is...

Medication Safety: How to Lock Your Medications Oct 14th, 2019

One in four teens has abused prescription drugs. In 2017, nearly 52,000 children under the age of six were seen in the emergency room for medicine poisoning. Both are fantastic reasons to learn how to lock your medications up!October 23 is National Lock Your Meds Day, a national campaign designed to...

How Has Breast Cancer Treatment Changed? Oct 14th, 2019

Breast cancer has come a long way. Breast cancer is the second most common cause of death from cancer in women in the United States, after lung cancer. But much has changed in the last several decades, from breast cancer treatment and outcomes to the way we view this type...

Rabies in Humans: Myths vs Facts Sep 15th, 2019

Rabies in Humans: Myths vs. Facts With the weather finally more bearable, more families are spending time outside. While rabies probably isn’t at the top of your “things to worry about” list, it’s critical to teach your children to be cautious around animals. There are a lot of myths about...

A Quivering Heartbeat May Be Deadly: Recognizing the Signs of AFib Sep 9th, 2019

Does your heartbeat ever feel irregular? Skip a few beats? Feel like it’s flip-flopping or quivering? Atrial Fibrillation is a potentially deadly problem, but one you likely haven’t heard about and may not realize exists. September is Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) month, so if those symptoms sound familiar, read on to...

Understanding and Addressing Childhood Obesity Sep 4th, 2019

(Reposted from 2017)Childhood obesity is on the rise. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the percentage of children with obesity in the United States has more than tripled since the 1970s. Today, about one in five school-aged children (ages 6–19) is obese. Why Does Childhood Obesity Matter? As...

Breastfeeding Advice and Tips Aug 7th, 2019

Breastfeeding isn’t as easy as: have baby, lift him/her to breast, feed. New moms and dads are often surprised by the roadblocks and challenges they encounter when learning to breastfeed. If you are researching breastfeeding or facing some difficulties now as you breastfeed, here are some tips. Breastfeeding Advice and...

Not Just Smoking: What Causes Lung Cancer Aug 7th, 2019

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States — for both men and women. But what causes lung cancer? World Lung Cancer Day is Aug. 1. While smoking is the primary contributing factor, many other environmental and lifestyle causes can lead to lung cancer. What...

Schedule Your Child’s Back to School Physical Now Jul 5th, 2019

A back to school physical might be the last thing on your mind in July, but now is the time to make an appointment — before we book up! As you give us a call, you’re probably thinking, “Gosh why do we need to do these physicals each year anyway?”...

Know the Signs of Group B Strep in Your Infant Jul 5th, 2019

If you’re pregnant or planning to become pregnant, you have plenty to think about. One thing many women don’t realize is the risk of Group B Streptococcus. About 25 percent of women carry this bacteria, which live in the intestines, vagina, and rectum. Normally, it’s nothing to worry about, and...

What is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant? Jul 5th, 2019

Breastfeeding may be nature’s way of feeding our babies, but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy, especially for first-time moms. From mastitis to producing enough milk to getting a good latch, breastfeeding comes with challenges. That is where an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant can become a vital part of...

Use Screen Time to Connect with Your Family! Jun 13th, 2019

Is there such a thing as a healthy dose of technology? You might have seen the studies on screen time: The average teen sends 50+ text messages a day. Women are more likely to log onto Pinterest, and men to Google+. And only about 30 percent of people over age...

What Health Screenings and Checks Men Need and When Jun 1st, 2019

Studies show that to stay healthy means eating well and getting out and about to move around. Not only will these behaviors help you live longer, but you’ll feel better over time, especially as you age. One thing that men should do regularly: visit your primary care doctor for annual...

What New Medicare Patients Need to Know about the Welcome to Medicare Exam May 3rd, 2019

Medicare is confusing! If you’re newly 65 and starting with Medicare, you might hear about a “Welcome to Medicare Exam,” that you can do with your doctor here at Generations. While this sounds like a useful opportunity to come to chat with your doctor about your general health, it is...

Why You Need to Know About Oral Cancer Apr 1st, 2019

Oral cancer isn’t one we hear about as often as some. Yet nearly 53,000 Americans will be diagnosed with oral or oropharyngeal cancer this year. Of those diagnosed this year, about 10,000 will die. That’s more than one person per hour every single day. Oral cancer is also known as...

Infographic: Signs of a Heart Attack in Men & Women Mar 20th, 2019

If you were having a heart attack, you’d know it right away. Right? You’ve seen the movies…the ‘victim’ clutches their chest and staggers to the floor. Medical personal come swarming in and perform miracle maneuvers to save the person suffering. It is abrupt and horrifying. That is how it works...

How to Spot an Eating Disorder in Your Teen Feb 6th, 2019

The push to be thin and pretty starts young, and the teenage years are some of the most challenging to survive. More than one-half of teenage girls and one-third of teenage boys turn to unhealthy weight control behaviors to fit the idea of “perfect.” Such behaviors include skipping meals, vomiting,...

Sex and Your Heart Health this Valentine’s Day Feb 6th, 2019

February is Heart Health Month AND the month “for lovers” — and it’s not a coincidence! If you and your partner are getting more cuddly this month, good news! — it’s good for your heart. The Health Benefits of Sex Sex can relieve pain, including headaches, help you sleep well,...

Birth Defect Prevention: Best for You. Best for Baby. Jan 4th, 2019

Women spend a lot of time worrying about what to eat, drink, and do (or not do) while pregnant. Even if you aren’t worried, everyone else is. You’ll hear all sorts of (mostly unwanted) advice and opinions as soon as you’re showing such as, “Oh you shouldn’t eat that.”January is...

Never Donated Blood Before? Now’s the Time! Jan 4th, 2019

If a doctor called you and said, “Your best friend is in the hospital, and we need you to donate blood or she will die,” you would no doubt jump into the car and head over without a second thought.A blood infusion probably saved someone you know; you just may...

Maggy Awards Winner 5 Years in a Row! Jan 3rd, 2019

We are SO EXCITED to Announce that Doctor Melanie Mintzer has been voted ‘Best Doctor’ in the Cary Magazine Maggy Awards!!! This win makes it Dr. Mintzer’s 5th year in a row to receive this honor. Doctor Justin Glodowski once again took his place in the ‘Best of’ too! We are...

Health and Travel Tips: Tips for Traveling This Holiday Dec 13th, 2018

An illness can ruin your holiday fun. We gathered our team, especially those who love to travel, and asked them to share a tip or two for you and your families. We hope you have a happy (and healthy!) holiday season! Getting There Driving – Winterize your car and prepare it...

Diabetic Eye Disease: How Diabetics Can Prevent Blindness Nov 1st, 2018

People with diabetes worry about a lot of things, but some don’t realize the danger to their eyesight. Yet diabetes is the leading cause of blindness among working-age Americans. You may not think much about your eyes each day, but what if you suddenly couldn’t see? If you have diabetes,...

Kids and Politics: Should You Discuss It With Them and How Nov 1st, 2018

Politics has a bad rap, and in some cases, for a good reason. The basic concept of discussing the best approach for governing and talking through our differences is terrific. Unfortunately, during election season, it’s easy to focus only on the winners and losers of each race. And when we’re...

October 2018 Newsletter : Does Your Child Stutter? Oct 17th, 2018

In our October 2018 issue of Wellness for Generations newsletter, we arm you with knowledge about cancer, speech disorders and skin well as the best family activities during the month! Also this month, we look closer at Childhood Stuttering and offer suggestions to help your child with this speech...

Be Medically Prepared for a Hurricane Sep 12th, 2018

Hurricanes can be incredibly destructive bringing lots of wind and rain over an extended period of time. Generations Family Practice wants to ensure that you are medically prepared in the event that our area is impacted by future storms. It’s important to have an Emergency Plan in place so that...

Listen to Your Body: Zach’s Lymphoma Story Aug 31st, 2018

Zach G was in the prime of his life when he received the shocking diagnosis of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. At age 22, he had the year previously graduated from college and married the love of his life. They relocated to a new area, away from family, to begin exciting careers and a life...

Fall Into Wellness Fun with Generations! Aug 15th, 2018

Join us for Fall into Wellness Fun! FOLLOW THE EVENT UPDATES on our Facebook Event Page!WHEN — Saturday, September 22, 2018, from 11 AM – 2 PMWHERE — Generations Family Practice parking lot – 1021 Darrington Drive, Cary, NC 27513This Event is OPEN to both our Patients and the Public! Come enjoy...

Viveve Supports the FDA's Stance on the Importance of Patient Safety Aug 8th, 2018

In response to the recent safety warnings released by the FDA, Viveve released the below statement outlining the company’s support of patient safety and evidence‐based medicine: To: Our Providers & Patients:Given the FDA’s recent actions against certain companies marketing devices for vaginal rejuvenation procedures, we wanted to provide a response...

Help for Migraine Sufferers Jul 9th, 2018

Migraines are devastating — not just because of the excruciating pain, the light sensitivity, and the nausea, vomiting, or dizziness — but their power to stop your life. People with migraines must leave work or call in sick, miss fun events, and can’t play with their kids. People who don’t...

Aging Matters – Importance of Primary Doctor Jul 4th, 2018

Doctor Melanie Mintzer, of Generations Family Practice, discusses the importance of having an established relationship with a primary physician as you grow older on this radio segment of “Aging Matters.” She and the hosts also discuss maximizing quality of life for patients with heart failure.Listen here >> [Dr. Mintzer’s...

What You Can Do: Caring for Someone with IBD Jun 11th, 2018

IBD is challenging for those who must manage the disease and related conditions every single day. Family members of those caring for a loved one with irritable Bowel Disease like Crohn’s disease or Ulcerative Colitis often means watching your loved one in pain, missing out on events, and providing lots...

April 2018 Newsletter : Eyes Are More Than Vision Apr 9th, 2018

The April 2018 issue of Wellness for Generations newsletter brings…tips on your vision, Spring Skin Specials, delicious recipes and fun activities for the whole family! The first article, in its entirety below, discusses eye health from cradle to rocker. Or read the entire issue here. Eyes are More than Vision:...

March 2018 Newsletter: Warning Signs of Kidney Disease Mar 13th, 2018

The March 2018 issue of Wellness for Generations newsletter brings…new office, new doctor and new technology! The first article, in its entirety below, discusses kidney disease and the signs you need to look for as possible warnings. Kidney What? The Warning Signs of Kidney Disease Kidneys aren’t something you often...

February 2018 Newsletter : Teen Relationships and Abuse Feb 7th, 2018

This February, feel the love by showing kindness, safeguarding your family against fire, teaching your teens about positive relationships and giving your belly a snack it will love! All this, and more, in our newest issue of Wellness. The first article, in its entirety below, discusses warning signs that your...

January 2018 Newsletter: New Year, New You? Jan 9th, 2018

New year. New beginnings. Start fresh this year with reachable health goals, medical knowledge, smooth skin and more in the January 2018 issue of Wellness for Generations. Learn tips on starting the year off right in the article below. Or read the full issue of Wellness here. New Year, New...

Best Doctor Maggy Awards Winner Jan 4th, 2018

A record-breaking 15,207 votes and the biggest Maggy Awards ever…and our amazing Doctor Mintzer walks away with her FOURTH Best Doctor award! Cary Magazine writes:“Relationships matter. That’s the philosophy of four-time Maggy winner Dr. Melanie Mintzer, and her practice proves it, offering care for children, adults and seniors. Imagine: A sports physical for...

7 Tips for Teaching Your Teen to be a Safe Driver Nov 20th, 2017

Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for U.S. teens. Reading that is enough to make any parent’s stomach drop. We all want our teens to come home safely each day, but how can we help them do that without interfering with their newfound independence? Here are some...

Football Foodie Contest – Grand Prize Winner! Nov 14th, 2017

This was Justin’s and my final Football Foodie for the season this past Sunday. We both want to thank all of you who made suggestions and visited us on Facebook. We’ve drawn the winner of the December 17 Panther tickets (versus Green Bay). So without further ado…we’d like to give...

It's Flu Shot Time Nov 9th, 2017

Influenza season is just around the corner! Time to protect yourself and your loved ones by getting your flu shot. This year, Generations Family Practice will be offering vaccines for all patients ages 6-months and older. For our youngest patients (6-25 months) Fluzone will once again replace the Flumist for...

What Can a Parent Do if They Think Their Child Is Being Bullied? Nov 9th, 2017

Children being bullied is an important topic among parents these days. While the rates of bullying are not increasing, more study of the issue has led to a higher awareness of this public health problem. We dove into bullying in our October newsletter. Here, we’ll explain what steps parents can...

7 Tips for Beach Safety Aug 7th, 2017

In the Triangle, summer means trips to the beach! Nothing ruins a vacation like a trip to the emergency department. Stay safe with these 7 beach safety tips: Beach Safety Tips Beware of rip currents. A rip current is water flowing away from the shore. The water flow can be...

Keep an Eye on Your Child's Eye Health Aug 3rd, 2017

Your child’s eye health is just as important as every other part of him. Some eye conditions are treatable while young, but irreversible once a child reaches his teen years. Only 2 percent of parents would wait for symptoms before taking their child to the pediatrician or dentist for the...

New Generations Office Announcement Jul 17th, 2017

We are thrilled to announce plans for a new Generations office! On July 12, 2017, the Generations Family Practice providers converged to sign one of the steel beams to be used in the construction of our new building! The 'Preston Walk Medical Office Building,' in Cary NC, is set to...

Know About Group B Strep to Protect Your Infant Jul 14th, 2017

You’ve heard of strep throat and have probably had it at least once. But have you heard of Group B Strep? Did you know that it can threaten the lives of unborn or just born babies? July is International Group B Strep Throat Awareness Month. Whether you’re pregnant or know...

Scoliosis and Your Child Jul 10th, 2017

Scoliosis, a condition you don’t often hear about. is the reason behind your child's pediatrician checking their back.  Scoliosis and What You Need to Know Scoliosis is a spinal deformity, a sideways curvature that can occur in both males and females. The curve may be an S curve or a...

7 Ways to Improve Men’s Health This Month Jun 6th, 2017

What should you know about men’s health? Men live sicker and die younger than women. Yet that doesn’t have to be true. June is National Men’s Health Month. It’s time for men to step up and take care of their health. Consider this: Men die at higher rates than women...

Anti-pollution Skincare: Prevent Pollution From Aging Your Skin May 31st, 2017

Why is anti-pollution skincare important? Emerging scientific studies are showing that air pollution can prematurely age our skin. Studies show that residents of cities, especially large cities, have more wrinkles and age spots at younger ages. They are also more prone to hives and eczema. City dwellers tend to have...

Graduate Checklist: Vaccines for College and More May 12th, 2017

If your child is graduating from high school this month, you may be thinking about vaccines for college students and how to keep your rising scholar healthy. If she is heading off to college this fall, there are a few medical things on her to-do list. Be sure your child...

Concussion 101 for Child and Teen Athletes May 3rd, 2017

Sports injuries are usually something you can see right away, whether it’s a cut on your finger, a scrape on your elbow, or even a broken bone. On the other hand, concussions are invisible. But this type of injury can cause a lot of damage, especially in teens and children....

5 Signs It's Time to Seek Treatment for Skin Rashes Apr 19th, 2017

Skin rashes are fairly common and most are harmless. Red bumpy skin can be inflamed, itchy, or uncomfortable (or all three.) While some rashes are simply irritated skin, some are very serious and may be a sign to call your doctor. Some common rashes are caused by eczema, poison ivy,...

Pediatric Epilepsy Apr 12th, 2017

Seizures are a scary thing to witness, especially if it happens to your child. More than 3 million Americans have epilepsy, and many pediatric epilepsy diagnoses begin in childhood. Epilepsy is a problem in the central nervous system in which electrical signals of the brain misfire. A seizure occurs when...

4 Common Mistakes People Make When Using Condoms Mar 15th, 2017

Condoms are not something people like to talk about. A conversation about condoms with your partner, your doctor, or your teenage children can be awkward. But condoms are the only contraceptive option that can help prevent both pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI). And, when used correctly, they are 98%...

Inside the Autism Spectrum Mar 7th, 2017

Autism is treatable. People often have ideas about autism and what it means, but autism spectrum disorder can mean a wide variety of things. More importantly, while children do not outgrow autism, early diagnosis and intervention lead to significantly improved outcomes. Knowing that it’s treatable means helping more people at...

Caregiver Resources & Challenges Feb 27th, 2017

There is a very real need for caregiver resources as the challenges that caregivers face are broad and can be overwhelming. “Aging Matters” is a joint project among Transitions LifeCare, and local Raleigh news station WPTF. This wonderful radio show helps you navigate the many choices and issues we face as...

Difference Between a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) and an MD Feb 9th, 2017

Have you recently heard the term “Osteopathic Medicine?” Patients at our Generations Family Practice office may have noticed the initials behind our doctor’s names and wondered why they are different. Doctor Justin Glodowski is a DO. Doctors Melanie Mintzer, Chad Cox and Christine Macomber are MDs. Right now, most doctors...

Know the Symptoms of Bell's Palsy Feb 9th, 2017

While Bell's Palsy isn’t a common condition, it is a scary one that can come on quickly in children. That’s why we recommend parents know what to watch out for. About 40,000 Americans get Bell’s Palsy each year, mostly between the ages of 15 and 60. It can also effect...

When Should My Kids Get the HPV Vaccine? Jan 9th, 2017

January is Cervical Health Awareness Month, which means it’s a good time to talk about the HPV vaccine. The vaccine was released for use in June 2006. While it has already been available for over 10 years and has been given to over 80 million people, the HPV vaccine is one...

Maggy Award Winner Three Years in a Row!! Jan 5th, 2017

For the THIRD year in a row, our very own Dr. Melanie Mintzer was recognized as a Maggy Award Winner! Just as exciting is the fact that Dr. Justin Glodowski earned Honorable Mention in the class of Best Doctor. This is his second year to be honored with this recognition....

Coping While Caring for Your Elderly Parents and Your Children Nov 2nd, 2016

Many adults today find themselves stuck in a stage sometimes called “the sandwich generation.” These adults are still raising their children, but are also caring for elderly parents living in their home. November is National Family Caregivers Month, and this year’s theme is “Take Care To Give Care.” It’s easy to...

October 2016 Newsletter : Flu Shots and Your Kids Oct 4th, 2016

Fall time is the ideal time to check off “To-do” items like getting your flu shot and checking your fire alarms. Generations can help with this and more in our October newsletter! Click here to read it now. A small taste of what’s inside: Flu Season: Help Your Kids Get...

Fire Prevention Week Begins October 9 Oct 3rd, 2016

Half — yes, 50 percent! — of all U.S. home fire deaths occur at night between the hours of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m., when people are most likely to be sleeping. That’s why National Fire Prevention Week October 9-15 is the perfect time to check the smoke alarms in...

The Zika Virus and Summer Travel Aug 3rd, 2016

What should you know about the Zika Virus if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant? If you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, a far-off vacation seems like a good idea: a babymoon time when you and your husband can travel together one last time without children....

Why Are So Many People Dying of Accidental Drug Overdoses? Jul 7th, 2016

Why are so many people dying of accidental drug overdoses? The truth behind prescription drug misuse and how to avoid disaster. Prince’s death has highlighted a problem in America: the risk of drug overdoses. You’ve likely heard many celebrity names during the years — from Elvis and Judy Garland to...

Getting to Know Endometriosis Apr 4th, 2016

Painful periods? While pain is a normal part of most women’s menstrual cycles, some women experience debilitating pain before and during periods, during sex and more. March is National Endometriosis Awareness Month, and it’s a good time to understand more about something often misunderstood. Here are the fast facts on...

4 Reasons to Choose a Generations Family Practice Cary Pediatrician Mar 1st, 2016

Choosing the right Cary pediatrician can feel overwhelming, especially for new parents or people who are new to the Cary or Triangle, North Carolina area. Your child’s wellness is your top priority, and there are many aspects to health care in the first several years of life, including: Vaccines and...

Look Who Won the Maggy Awards!! Jan 2nd, 2016

Congratulations to our very own Dr. Melanie Mintzer who was recognized as a 2016 Maggy Award Winner! This is her second win in a row! We are doubly excited to announce that Dr. Justin Glodowski earned Honorable Mention in the Maggy’s. The Maggy Awards are presented each year by Cary...

How to Spot Skin Cancer Dec 28th, 2015

Anyone can get skin cancer, regardless of skin color. It is estimated that one in five Americans will be diagnosed with skin cancer in their lifetime. When caught early, skin cancer is highly treatable. Use the information in this graphic, courtesy of the American Academy of Dermatology, to check your...

My Generations Story Dec 19th, 2015

From cradle to rocker, no matter the generation, the practitioners at Generations Family Practice take pride in offering high quality, primary care to each patient. Family medicine is not only our focus, it is our passion. From preventive care or minor emergencies to pediatric or acute care, our knowledgable staff...

Staying Well and Fit During the Holidays Dec 1st, 2015

Society tells us we’re supposed to be excited and feel some holiday magic this time of year. In reality, this time of year can cause stress, depression, anxiety, and weight gain, making it a tough couple of months for both your mind and your body. Staying well and fit may...

Wash Your Hands to Prevent Illness Dec 1st, 2015

Keeping hands clean is one of the best ways to prevent illness. Next week, Dec. 6 -12, is National Handwashing Awareness Week, and it’s a great time to teach children (and remind adults) about basic handwashing principles: Wash your hands when they are dirty and BEFORE eating. DO NOT cough...

Q&Ped – The HVP Vaccine and Your Daughter Oct 28th, 2015

“I want to do everything I can to make sure my 13 year-old daughter is healthy and protected. But I am confused by the HPV vaccine and whether she should have it.” Human Papillomavirus, or HPV, is very common. It is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the U.S....

Q&Ped – Too Much TV Time? Oct 13th, 2015

“My daughters want to be on their Kindles all day long playing games and reading. They say all of their friends spend a lot of time too. Am I being too strict by trying to restrict their play time?” Today’s children spend, on average, seven hours a day on screen...

October Is Mental Health Awareness Month Oct 5th, 2015

A healthy body also includes a healthy mind. But those with mental health struggles often face misunderstanding and harsh judgment that may cause them to hide their illness and avoid seeking help. As the Mental Health Foundation observes, “by failing to treat people with mental health problems with dignity we make...

Q&Ped – Conquering Lice Fast! Sep 10th, 2015

As a mother of four school-age children, a notice from the school nurse that lice is in a classroom fills me with angst: the hair treatments, the laundry, the other children! Then the pediatrician side of me calms me down. Lice will not hurt my family. They are annoying bugs...

Health Musts for Women of Every Age Sep 10th, 2015

Once upon a time your biggest health concern was acne. But as women age, our health needs change. You probably know that of the most important checkups you get is your annual pap smear, starting as a late teen for most of your adult life. As you reach your 40s,...

Q&Ped – Tick Watch Sep 1st, 2015

First, how wonderful it is that your children are outside – getting fresh air and vitamin D, enjoying creative play, and getting exercise. But along with the benefits come annoying bugs and insects: mosquitoes, bees, and ticks to name a few. Unfortunately, some of those ticks can transmit diseases such...

Are Your Child's Eyes Ready for School? Jul 31st, 2015

It's almost back-to-school time and you're prepared with your child's enrollment forms, orientation schedules, and immunizations–but what about their eyes? August is Children's Eye Health and Safety Month—a great signal for you to get your child's eyes checked before school starts. Join us as we observe Children's Eye Health and...

Navigating Coverage, Bills and Networks May 4th, 2015

Many of our patients are fortunate to have some form of health insurance. The Affordable Care Act opened the door for many to get health insurance that they previously couldn’t access. Whether you have a marketplace plan through the Affordable Care Act, a private insurance plan or even Medicare, your...

Cary Doctor Named NC's Childhood Immunization Champion Apr 22nd, 2015

Generations Family Practice of Cary is pleased to announce that pediatrician Christine Macomber, MD, is the 2015 recipient of the Centers for Disease Control’s Childhood Immunization Champion Award for the state of North Carolina. The CDC has chosen National Infant Immunization Week, April 18-25, to announce the award winners. The...

Early Diagnosis of Autism Improves Outcomes Apr 1st, 2015

April is National Autism Awareness Month. The prevalence of autism had risen to 1 in every 68 births in the United States – nearly twice as great as the 2004 rate of 1 in 125 – and almost 1 in 54 boys. Autism is treatable. Children do not “outgrow” autism,...

Top Tips for Medicine Safety in Your Home Mar 19th, 2015

Top Tips for Medicine Safety in Your Home Moms, do you keep medicine in your purse? Parents, do you have diaper rash cream within arm’s reach of the changing table? Have you ever shared medicine with a friend, like painkillers? Or missed a dose of a medicine so you took...

Menopause and Your Health Feb 17th, 2015

According to a recent study published in JAMA Internal Medicine, hot flashes, which afflict up to 80% of middle-aged women, can last much longer than just a few years. In fact, they can last as long as 14 years, with a median length of seven years. Learn more about this study...